Teaching and growing through Gospel principles

Monday, February 27, 2012

Sitting Alone in a Crowded Chapel

** I originally began writing this Sunday night, but alas, I found myself repeatedly falling asleep at the keyboard before I could finish.  I apologize in advance if this is disjointed in any way... Happy Monday! Ha!**

This morning went fairly well, my daughters we at their father's house, my son got up early with me and was {surprisingly} the first one dressed. I needed to get to church early for choir practice and left said sweet boy with Nana, so he could finish eating breakfast. I was late to choir.... not uncommon.... but the sounds I heard from the foyer were angelic. After practice, I pulled out my cellphone to make a note before Sacrament and noticed a text message from Nana.

Nana: Do you have my keys?
Me: No. Tell "T" to look on my dresser for the spare, if you still need them.
 I put my phone away and waited.... on the empty, very long, middle pew..... alone. I waited through the prelude.... the hymns, the prayers..... the sacrament.... the talks. No one ever came. I was surprisingly disappointed. You see...

I have often found my self wondering how different my Sunday worship would be; if only I could listen to the entire showing of speakers in peace {and relative quiet} without the near-constant dress rustling and whispered "that's mine, scoot over" outbursts. I did it today. I noticed that, I did in fact, listen sans interruptions. 

Ironically, the topics of the talks today : Children, the blessed commandment to "multiply and replenish the Earth." They were beautiful, the speakers words touched my heart deeply. I was more fully edified in those few minutes than I had been in months... Probably since October conference. I remember thinking "I want to take notes... I want to blog about this..." but I never did. I sat, with pen in hand, and didn't write at single thought. I was riveted. So I will just try to post a few key points and my thoughts.

1. Each talk (two youth, a High Council member, and a Bishopric member) repeated the all important point that: the family is so important to Heavenly Father, it was the FIRST commandment given to Adam and Eve in the Garden.
My thoughts*: Commanded by God. Not suggested.... not only encouraged.... COMMANDED! That is important! These children are important! The entire Plan of Salvation hinges on each of God's children coming to earth and gaining a body. Without children, births, families.... this Plan could never succeed. Our families need to know this! Our children need to know this! I need to teach my babies that not only did I want each of them to be born, but Heavenly Father wanted each of them be born, because He loves them and He knows the full scope of their importance to His Plan!
 2. Because Heavenly Father desires for all of His children to be born and raised by loving families, we have specific responsibilities to uphold and understand exactly what His perimeters are. All life has value, regardless of the views of popular culture.

My thoughts: While the logistics (when, where, how many, etc.,) of having children are immensely personal and ought to be, prayer-filled decisions between a couple and the Lord, we as disciples of Christ, must be advocates for His teachings on earth. Abortion is not in keeping with the Lord's will... it destroys so much more than mere "carbon-based tissue". It's very practice destroys the fundamental purpose of our existence. It raises many concerns, creates many more far-reaching emotional and physical ailments than those it is touted to alleviate.  We can not cow down to those who would seek to destroy the Lord's will , because of fear or threat of alienation. We must more fully understand current issues, choose the path which we ought to go, and stand steadfastly on the Lord's side! We must not allow modern media or educational sources influence our children in these areas, we must continue to teach faithfulness and a desire to do only what the Lord would have us do.... even if it is the unpopular choice. Popularity doesn't matter, eternal salvation does!
3. Parents are to teach, with prayer and careful thought, the principles of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in their homes. Our time here should not be wasted, waiting for perfect circumstances before beginning and raising a righteous family.
My thoughts: It is the desire of all parents to give our children more than we were given.... to help them experience all the good we can offer. But I wonder, has my (and society as a whole) wish to give more to my kids really been in their best interest? If I spent as much, or more, effort on helping my children internalize and understand Gospel principles as I do Math or Geography facts, how much more peaceful would my home be? How much more confident would my children be? How much more able to fully retain and learn would the Lord bless them to be? It is not my children's responsibility to push me to teach them, it is my responsibility to teach them and to give them guidance in their actions. It is my responsibility to live in a way that will be an example to them and plant in them a desire to fulfill all that Heavenly Father has ready for them to accomplish, both on earth and in the Eternities.

These are just a few of the points I gleaned from yesterday's meeting. I find myself wishing that I could have hard-copies or recordings of the talks, to share with my family. I wish that my whole household could have been able to attend.... but then again, I wonder if I would have felt the message, so acutely, had I been surrounded by the hustle and bustle that is my life. I imagine, quite honestly, that had the bench been full; the profound effect would have been lost on me, as it was magnified by the absences I felt.