“…spiritual light rarely comes to those who
merely sit in darkness waiting for someone to flip a switch. It takes an act of
faith to open our eyes to the Light of Christ.”
President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, The Hope of God’s Light,
April 2013 General Conference
“All are born with the Light of
Christ, a guiding influence which permits each person to recognize right from
wrong. What we do with that light and how we respond to those promptings to
live righteously is part of the test of mortality. “
President Boyd K. Packer, These Things I Know, April 2013
General Conference
“Each of us must stay in
condition to respond to inspiration and the promptings of the Holy Ghost.”
President Boyd K. Packer, These Things I Know, April 2013
General Conference
“How supernally precious freedom is; how consummately
valuable is the agency of man.”
President Boyd K. Packer, Atonement, Agency,
Accountability, April 1988 General Conference
used righteously allows light to dispel the darkness and enables us to live
with joy and happiness.”
Elder Robert D. Hales, To Act For Ourselves: The Gift and
Blessings of Agency, April 2006 General Conference
“Every time we go out, every decision we
make, we are either choosing to move in his [Satan’s] direction or in the
direction of our Savior.”
Elder Robert D. Hales, To Act For Ourselves: The Gift and
Blessings of Agency, April 2006 General Conference
“Agency is the catalyst that
leads us to express our inward spiritual desires in outward Christlike
Elder Robert D. Hales, To Act For Ourselves: The Gift and
Blessings of Agency, April
“Men and women receive their
agency as a gift from God, but their liberty and, in turn, their eternal
happiness come from obedience to His laws.”
Elder L. Tom Perry, Obedience to Law is Liberty, April
2013 General Conference
“Moral discipline is the
consistent exercise of agency to choose the right because it is right, even when
it is hard.”
Elder D. Todd Christofferson, Moral Discipline, October
2009 General Conference
lack of internal control by individuals breeds external control by
Elder D. Todd Christofferson, Moral Discipline, October
2009 General Conference