Teaching and growing through Gospel principles

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Russell M. Nelson quotes

These are a few more entries for my Inspirational Quote Book assignment for the BYU-Idaho Pathway Program. I decided to pick an apostle from the Twelve, Russell M. Nelson, whom I have always enjoyed listening to during conferences. As you will see, I found a wonderful amount of "quotable" insights in his talks.


"In His great love, He did not leave us alone. He provided a guide—a spiritual road map—to help us achieve success in our journey. We call that guide the standard works, so named because they—the Holy Bible, the Book of Mormon, the Doctrine and Covenants, and the Pearl of Great Price—constitute the standard by which we should live."  Living By Scriptural Guidance, October Conf. 2000
"We begin with a determination to “liken all scriptures unto us … for our profit and learning.” If we “press forward, feasting upon the word of Christ, and endure to the end, … [we] shall have eternal life.” To feast means more than to taste. To feast means to savor. We savor the scriptures by studying them in a spirit of delightful discovery and faithful obedience. When we feast upon the words of Christ, they are embedded “in fleshy tables of the heart.” They become an integral part of our nature."  Living By Scriptural Guidance, October Conf. 2000


“Danger lurks when we divide ourselves with expressions such as “my private life,” “my professional life,” or even “my best behavior.” Living life in separate compartments can lead to internal conflict and exhausting tension....Inner peace comes only as we maintain the integrity of truth in all aspects of our lives. When we covenant to follow the Lord and obey His commandments, we accept His standards in every thought, action, and deed.” Living By Scriptural Guidance, October Conf. 2000 

“Marriage is sanctified when it is cherished and honored in holiness. That union is not merely between husband and wife; it embraces a partnership with God (see Matt. 19:6).” Nurturing Marriage, April Conf. 2006


"Worldly trends to define marriage in some other way would sadly serve to destroy the institution of marriage. Such schemes are contrary to the plan of God."Nurturing Marriage, April Conf. 2006
"Children born of that marital union are “an heritage of the Lord.” Marriage is but the beginning bud of family life; parenthood is its flower. And that bouquet becomes even more beautiful when graced with grandchildren. Families may become as eternal as the kingdom of God itself."Nurturing Marriage, April Conf. 2006
"Fathers, you understand the principle of temporal self-reliance and try to provide for a year’s supply, stored at home. Please also consider the need for spiritual food and self-reliance—not just for a year, but for a lifetime—also stored at home. A worthy father should have first opportunity to administer a blessing to members of his family. As time moves on, his sons may then draw from that spiritual reservoir, worthy to administer to their own families and to their parents." Honoring the Priesthood, April Conf. 1993
 "Time for scripture study requires a schedule that will be honored. Otherwise, blessings that matter most will be at the mercy of things that matter least. Time for family scripture study may be difficult to establish. Years ago when our children were at home, they attended different grades in several schools. Their daddy had to be at the hospital no later than 7:00 in the morning. In family council we determined that our best time for scripture study was 6:00 A.M. At that hour our little ones were very sleepy but supportive. Occasionally we had to awaken one when a turn came to read. I would be less than honest with you if I conveyed the impression that our family scripture time was a howling success. Occasionally it was more howling than successful. But we did not give up." Living By Scriptural Guidance, October Conf. 2000 


"Priesthood authority has been restored so that families can be sealed eternally. So brethren, your foremost priesthood duty is to nurture your marriage—to care for, respect, honor, and love your wife. Be a blessing to her and your children." Nurturing Marriage, April Conf. 2006
"This is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He who stands at the head of His restored Church so ordered His priesthood “that every man might speak in the name of God the Lord, even the Savior of the world.” (D&C 1:20.) Remarkable! He chose to honor us with His priesthood. So we honor Him by honoring His priesthood—both its power and those who bear it. By so doing, men, women, and children throughout the world will be blessed. Honoring the priesthood fosters respect, respect promotes reverence, and reverence invites revelation."  Honoring the Priesthood, April Conf. 1993
"In contrast, the kingdom of God is governed by the authority of the priesthood. It is not conferred for honor, but for a ministry of service. Priesthood titles are not created by man; neither are they for adornment, nor do they express mastership. They denote appointment to service in the work of the Lord. We are called, sustained, and ordained—not by ourselves, but “by prophecy, and by the laying on of hands by those who are in authority, to preach the Gospel and administer in the ordinances thereof.”" Honoring the Priesthood, April Conf. 1993

“Elder” is a sacred title shared by all who bear the Melchizedek Priesthood." Honoring the Priesthood, April Conf. 1993
"May I offer counsel of a general nature, first with comments about General Authorities. We recognize them as instruments in the hand of the Lord, yet realize that they are ordinary human beings. They require haircuts, laundry services, and occasional reminders just like anyone else."  Honoring the Priesthood, April Conf. 1993


"For example, we marvel at computers and the Internet that enable transmission of data with remarkable speed. We are truly grateful for these electronic servants. But if we let them take over our time, pervert our potential, or poison our minds with pornography, they cease being servants and become instead false gods." Living By Scriptural Guidance, October Conf. 2000 
" Because it is ordained of God, the intimate physical expressions of married love are sacred. Yet all too commonly, these divine gifts are desecrated. If a couple allows lewd language or pornography to corrupt their intimacy, they offend their Creator while they degrade and diminish their own divine gift." Nurturing Marriage, April Conf. 2006
"A husband’s foremost priority should be the care of his wife. Be true to her. Don’t ever allow your eyes to gaze upon pornography or let your language be lewd. The very choices made by reason of agency limit one’s agency in the future. You cannot exercise agency and escape accountability and responsibility for each choice." Personal Priesthood Responsibility, October 2003


"True happiness is predicated upon personal purity."Nurturing Marriage, April Conf. 2006
"Marriage is the foundry for social order, the fountain of virtue, and the foundation for eternal exaltation."Nurturing Marriage, April Conf. 2006