I am so excited to share all of the amazing and inspirational gems I snagged at the Time Out for Women event in Spokane, WA this weekend!
But... That will have to wait until I can go over my notes when I'm not so tired. Until then... I have something beautiful to introduce!
Billion Clicks... Think. Click. Be.
BillionClicks.org began as an (un)scientific experiment to see how many negative thoughts the average person has in a day. Hilary Weeks began to use a hand-held counter (think:Costco) to keep track of her negative thoughts and at the end of the week, she was disappointed and discouraged. She had spent so much time thinking about the sads and bads in her life.... she had forgotten to focus on and SEEK THE GOOD.
Not the type to settle for the negative, Hilary changed her experiment... she began 'clicking' her positive thoughts! For every good thought she had or said she clicked. Her family...click. Her home... click. Her dog... click. The Gospel of Jesus Christ... CLICK! Can you just guess the surprise that awaited her at the end of four days?! Over 1,200 positive thoughts..... in four days! Phenomenal. At this point, she decided if one person could get 1,000.... why couldn't she recruit others and get 10,000... or 100,000... or ONE BILLION CLICKS! So, Hilary got a hold of the 'right people', shared her idea, launched a website.... and now she is encouraging others to Seek the Good in their lives by clicking their way to a positive life filled with gratitude!
My oldest daughter and I had the pleasure to meet Hilary today at the Time Out events. We each bought a clicker (Sold Here), and we are having so much fun clicking our positive thoughts! I logged 351 between this morning and bedtime tonight! What a wonderful thing to do in our families, our wards, our schools, our nation.... imagine the change that could come from sharing this with the world! I hope you join in on the fun and become part of the CLICK!
Before I go, I wanted to share this amazing video by Hilary Weeks from her new CD Every Step (featuring: Stephanie Nielsen and Mariama Kallon). It touched my heart and I hope that it will touch yours as well. CLICK!
It's A Thing
1 day ago